2009 and Earlier Meetings and Event's Archive:
December 12, 2009: PTRA Workshop Video Analysis Workshop
Video analysis techniques with a Flip camera
Presenters: Val Michael vlfmich@gmail.com
and Jennifer Goldsberry-Meyer
Place: Parkway Central
Workshop Description
November 21, 2009: Make-n-take Circular motion
Rex Rice design, Mike Johns adaptation
Place: Chaminade
Time: 8:30a.m. to 12:30.
October 24, 2009: MAPT/SLAPT Joint Fall Meeting
Place: Washington University
Host/contact/MAPT president: Pat Gibbons pcg@wuphys.wustl.edu
October 3, 2009: Six Flags for Teachers
Place: Six Flags St. Louis
Time: 10 am
Presenters: Bill Brinkhorst, Rex Rice, and Mark Schober
September 22, 2009: PTRA - Beats workshop
Host: Val Michael
Time: 4pm to 7 pm
Place: Parkway Central
September 12, 2009: Fun High Speed Video Clips and Curriculum Sharing
Hosts: Jim Cibulka & Joe Bartin
Time: 8:30 am to 1 pm
Place: Kirkwood High School
May 9, 2009: 09-10 Planning Meeting and Green-Building Tour
Where: Alberici Enterprises
Host: Gail Haynes
April 25, 2009: SLAPT-SIUE Physics Contest
Where: Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Host: Tom Foster
April 24, 2009: Six Flags Physics Day
Where: Six Flags St. Louis
April 4, 2009: Project CLEA
Presenter: Dick Cooper, Gettysburg College
Host: Frank Cange
Where: Southwestern Illinois College
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am
workshop description and details . . .
March 28, 2009: Geometric Optics - PTRA Workshop
Presenters: Val Michael & Jen Goldsberry
Where: Parkway Central High School
Time: 7:30am-11:30am; Party celebrating section status at 11:30!
workshop description . . .
February 12-16, 2009: AAPT National Meeting
Where: Chicago!
Travel Coordinator: Gary Taylor
Let's hop the train to Chicago to attend workshops, presentations, and talk with AAPT leaders about cultivating dynamic physics teacher alliances like SLAPT!
January 17, 2009: Joint Chemistry-Physics Meeting
Host: Frank Cange will host at
Trinity High School
ACS St. Louis chapter and SLAPT will be holding a joint sharing session on technology tools that you use to help your students succeed.
December 6, 2008: Electric and Magnetic Field Apparatus Make-n-Take Workshop
Presenter: Mark Schober, mschober@jburroughs.org
Where: John Burroughs School
Do five E&M investigations with one inexpensive contraption. We'll run the labs and build the apparatus.
workshop description and details . . .
November 15, 2008: Teaching Electrostatics
Presenters: Rex and Debbie Rice debrice@swbell.net
Where: Clayton High School
October 11, 2008: An Introduction to CASTLE Electric Circuits Presenters: Katy Chole, Jim Cibulka kchole@vdoh.org
Where: Villa Duchesne Home-made electric circuit kits can also be purchased at the workshop. $25 per kit, add $10 to include a digital multimeter. Reserve your circuit kits with Jim Cibulka by September 15. jacibulka@gmail.com
workshop description . . .
October 4, 2008: Six Flags for Teachers
Where: Six Flags, St. Louis Presenters: Bill Brinkhorst, Rex Rice, Mark Schober
workshop description . . .
September 20, 2008: Lab Practicum Workshop
- Host: Gail Haynes haynesgail@rockwood.k12.mo.us
Where: Eureka High School
workshop description . . .
- August 23, 2008: Boating on Mark Twain Lake
Hosts: Gary Taylor, Jim Cibulka, Katy Chole;
- RSVP to gary.e.taylor@att.net
Join us for a relaxing day to catch up with everyone's summer activities.
Trip description
- May 10, 2008: Planning Meeting for 08-09
Where: Weldon Spring
Host: Jim Cibulka
Agenda and Minutes . . .
April 26, 2008: SIUE/SLAPT Physics Contest and Fuel Cell Car Workshop
When: Saturday, April 26
Where: Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.
Host: Tom Foster
Student Contest & Teacher Workshop
Fuel Cell Cars in the Classroom presented by Phil Weyman
Contest Results . . .
April 25, 2008: Six Flags Math, Science, and Physics Day
When: Friday, April 25, 9 am - 6 pm.
Where: Six Flags St. Louis
March 1, 2008: Lab Practicum Workshop
When: Saturday March 1
Where: Francis Howell
Host: Gary Taylor
Workshop description . . .
Practica shared at the workshop . . .
February 9, 2008: Chemistry-Physics Joint Sharing Session
When: Saturday, Feb. 9, 8:30 am - noon
Where: Kirkwood High School, SC 208
Hosts: Joe Bartin, Bob Becker
December 1, 2007: PTRA Ripple Tank Workshop
When: 8am - 11:30 am, Saturday December 1
Where: Parkway Central
Presenter: Val Michael
Workshop Details . . .
November 3, 2007: A Modeling Approach to Energy
When: Saturday, Nov. 3, 8 am - 4 pm
Where: Villa Duchesne
Host: Katy Chole
Presenters: Debbie Rice, Rex Rice, Mark Schober
Workshop details and photos . . .
October 13, 2007: Six Flags Teacher Workshop
When: 10 am, Saturday, October 13
Where: Six Flags St. Louis
Presenters: Bill Brinkhorst, Rex Rice, Mark Schober
Workshop details . . .
September 28-30, 2007: Chicago Field Trip
When: Friday Sep. 28-Sun. Sep.30
Where: Chicago: FermiLab, Museum of Science and Industry
Host: Gayle Haynes
A brief trip report, with pictures.
September 18, 2007: SLAPT Constitution Discussion
When: 4 pm Tues. Sep. 18
Where: Kirkwood High School
(Dougherty Ferry parking lot) Room 201
Host: Debbie Rice
We will discuss a SLAPT constitution needed to become an AAPT section.
September 8, 2007: Make-n-Take Mechanics
When: 8:30 am Sat. September 8
Where: Clayton High School
Host and Presenters: Rex Rice, Debbie Rice, Jim Cibulka
Photos and Information
August 25, 2007: Bowling and Awards Party!
When: 6 pm Sat. August 25, 2007
Where: Tropicana Lanes
Host: Katy Chole
May 5, 2007: 07/08 Planning Meeting
When: Saturday, May 5
Where: Weldon Springs
April 27, 2007: Six Flags Math, Science and Physics Day
When: Friday, April 27
Where: Six Flags St. Louis
April 21, 2007: SIUE Physics Contest
When: Saturday, April 21, 2007
Where: Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville
- March 29-April 1, 2007: NSTA National Convention in St. Louis
Register at www.nsta.org
Special Reception hosted by Michele Perrin, Wednesday, March 28 at 6:30 pm; please RSVP
- March 15, 2007: Best of PTRA Summer 2006
- When: Thursday, March 15, 2007 4-7pm
- Where: Rm 1006 Parkway Central High School
- Presenter: Val Michael
- March 10, 2007: Project Clea Astronomy lab simulations
- Where: Southwestern Illinois College computer lab
- When: Saturday March 10, 8am-noon
- Presenter: Frank Cange
- February 3, 2007: Assessment III - Ranking Tasks and TIPERS
- When: Saturday, Feb. 3, 2007 7 am - 12 pm
- Where: Rm 1006 Parkway Central High School
Presenter: Val Michael
- January 20, 2007: Chemistry/Physics Joint Sharing Session
When: January 20, 2007
- Where: Incarnate Word Middle School
- Host: Jim Cibulka
- December 13, 2006 (Wednesday): Assessment II - Practicum
- When: Wednesday December 13, 2006, 4-7pm
- Where: Rm 1006, Parkway Central High School
- Presenter: Val Michael
- December 2, 2006: Photoelectric Effect Apparatus Make-n-Take
When: Saturday, December 2
Where: Francis Howell
Host: Gary Taylor
Cost: $80 per apparatus
photos & instructions
- October 14, 2006: Six Flags For Physics Teachers
When: Saturday, October 14
Where: Six Flags, St. Louis
Hosts: Bill Brinkhorst, Rex Rice, and Mark Schober
Cost: Free!
- September 30, 2006: Newton's First Law Activities
When: Saturday, September 30
Where: Kirkwood High School
Host: Joe Bartin
- photos and description
- September 9, 2006: Graphical Analysis Workshop
When: September, 9, 8 AM-3 PM
Where: Villa Duchesne
Hosts: Rex Rice, Debbie Rice and Katy Chole
Cost: $10.00
- workshop description
- August 30, 2006: Assessment - Starting the Year on an
Informed Note
When: Wed. August 30, 4-7 PM
Where: Parkway Central
Hosts: Val Michael, Tom Foster
Cost: $5
- 2006-07 Assessment workshops
- May 17, 2006: Picnic and Planning meeting for the
upcoming year
- Place: Mark Schober's house
- Cost: bring a dish to pass
- April 29, 2006: Light Workshop, Plus Physics Contest at
SIUE Workshop description and
contest results
- April 28, 2006: Six Flags Physics Day
- February 25, 2006: - Joint meeting with the Chemistry
Teacher's group featuring demo and curriculum sharing.
- Host: Sandi Mueller, John Burroughs School
- Time 9:00 am to noon
- January 21, 2006: TIPERS - Tasks Inspired by Physics Education
- Host: Val Michael
- Workshop Description
- December 3, 2005: Energy, Society and Sustainability
- Place: John Burroughs School
- Presenter: Mark
- November 19, 2005: Ham Radio
- Presenter: David Watt, Marcel Bechtoldt, UMSL
- Ham
radio links
- Place: Principia
- October 22, 2005: Six Flags for Teachers
Place: Six Flags, St. Louis
- Presenters: Rex Rice, Bill Brinkhorst, Mark Schober
- Cost: Free, and Six Flags will provide you and a guest with
a meal voucher.
- April 30, 2005: April 30, 2005: SLAPT High School
Physics Competition & Web-Based Empirical Observation Exercises
- Place: SIUE
- Full contest and workshop details
. . .
- April 29, 2005: Physics
Day at Six Flags
Place: Six
Flags St Louis
- April 8,9 2005: WYP: Illinois Section AAPT and SLAPT
joint meeting.
- Place: SIUE.
- Meeting information . . .
- March 12, 2005: Missouri Junior Academy of Science meeting
- Contact: Ellen Norris,
- Maryville University, Anheuser-Busch Academic Center
1:00p.m. Registration
4:00p.m. Awards Ceremony
- Deadline for Entry and Registration for Meeting,
February 11, 2005
- Registration materials/more information
. . .
- February 5, 2005: WYP: Photoelectric Effect;
- Host: Mark Schober
- Place: John Burroughs School
- Participants will use photoelectric effect apparatus and
computer simulations to explore the photoelectric effect as the
basis for developing a photon model of light. Modeling instructional
techniques will be used.
- January 22, 2005: World Year of Physics Planning Meeting
- Host: Val Michael
- Place: Parkway Central High School
- November 6, 2004: Magnetism and Induction
- Hosts: Jerry Taylor,
Bill Brinkhorst,
- Place: John Burroughs School
- Participants work through a coherently sequenced set of labs
and activities. Participants are encouraged to bring an E&M
related demo/lab apparatus to show.
- September 18, 2004: Six Flags
- Hosts: Bill Brinkhorst,
Rex Rice, and Mark
- Place: Six
Flags St Louis
- Participants pick a ride and work through the questions,
learning how to use the questions with students. A sub group
may work on writing new qualitative questions for the rides.
- August 28, 2004: Physlets;
- Host: Val Michael
- Time to work on making physlets for your curriculum
- More information and Links
- Physlet
home page (scroll to the bottom for a doppler effect example)
- June 14-July 2, 2004: Quarknet Associate Teacher Institute
Workshop Summer '04
- Lead Teachers: Gene Bender, De Smet Jesuit HS
Debbie Gremmelsbacher,
Parkway South HS
Full information . . .
- April 30 2004: Physics Day at
Six Flags
Place: Six
Flags St Louis
- April 24, 2004: High School Physics
Contest & Physics /Chemistry Sharing Session
- Host: Tom
- Place: SIUE
- Time: 9am - noon
- Contest Results!
- March 6, 2004, Non-Computer Based Data Acquisition and
- Hosts: David Lay and
Gene Allard
- Place: Parkway North High
- Bring one or two items to trade and share
- Time 8-11am
- David's non-computer based data
aquisition demos.
- Quarknet information.
- February 7, 2004: PTRA Physlets Workshop
- Host & Presenter: Val
- Place: Parkway Central
- Time: 7:30am till 3pm. (Two sessions)
- More information and Links
- Physlet
home page (scroll to the bottom for a doppler effect example)
- December 6, 2003: Make 'n Take Circular Motion Device
- Host & Presenter: Rex
- Place: Clayton High School
- Time: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Photos, explanation
and sample data from the device.
- November 15, 2003 Visual Quantum Mechanics
- Follow up: Presenter contact information,
photos, web resources and material sources.
- Host: Rodger Hardy
- Place: Lindenwood. Driving
- Cost: $ 0
Presenter: Sanjay Rebello
- Time: 8-12
- Description: Quantum Science For All - Hands on Activities
Integrated With Computer Visualizations. Come and experience
the Visual Quantum Mechanics materials at this workshop, and
share ideas about how you may use these materials in your class.
- October 18, 2003: Astronomy and Learning Cycles
- Presenter: Dr. Rebecca
Lindell, SIUE
- Host: Frank Cange
- Place: Trinity Catholic High School (formerly Rosary) Coming
either direction on I-270, take the Bellefontaine Road exit and
stay on Bellfontaine until you reach Redman Ave. Make a left
on Redman. The school will be on your left, 1720 Redman Ave.
Follow the signs to the library.
- Time: 9-12
Cost: $10
Please RSVP to rlindel@siue.edu by Oct 17 so Dr. Lindell knows
how much "stuff" to bring.
Participants should bring scientific calculators.
- September 20 2003: Six Flags - Photos
and followup
- Hosts: Bill Brinkhorst,
Rex Rice, and Mark
- Place: Six Flags
- Time: 9:00 am to as long as you want to ride!
- Cost: Free
- Description: In addition to exploring the kinds of educational
resources available to participants in Six Flags Physics Day,
we will demonstrate Logger Pro's feature of linking video to
a probe's data such as an accelerometer and a roller coaster.
- Aug 2-6 2003: AAPT Summer Meeting
Host: AAPT
Place: Monona Terrace - Madison, WI
- Photos from the meeting
- Apr 26 2003: SLU Physics Contest
Host: Larry Stacey
Place: St Louis University
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am; awards ceremony at 1:00 pm
Cost: free, but registration required
Description: All high school physics students are invited to
participate in this 50 point multiple choice test covering a
wide variety of physics topics. Cash prizes will be awarded to
the top three students.
- Apr 25 2003: Physics Day at Six Flags
Place: Six
Flags St Louis
- Feb 8 2003: PTRA Workshop - The Role of Graphical Analysis
in Teaching Physics
Host: Rex Rice and Debbie Rice
Place: Clayton High School
Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cost: $10. Includes Lunch.
- Details: Advance registration required by 1/17/03.
- Jan 11-15 2003: AAPT Winter Meeting
Host: AAPT
Place: Renaissance Austin Hotel - Austin, TX
- Dec 7 2002: Physics and Chemistry Lab Ideas
Host: Joe Bartin
and Bob Becker
Place: Kirkwood High School
Time: 8:30 am - noon
Cost: free
Description: All physics and chemistry teachers are invited to
bring a favorite lab idea to share with others.
- Nov 2 2002: PTRA Workshop - Vernier Interfacing Workshop
Host: Val Michael
Place: Parkway Central High School
Time: 7:30 am - noon
Cost: $56.
- Details: Reservation Required! Limited to first 20 people.
- To register, contact Valerie Michael via email at
- Oct 12 2002: Six Flags for Teachers
Host: Bill Brinkhorst
Place: Six
Flags - Eureka
Time: 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
Cost: FREE!
Description: Investigate the physics of amusement park rides
using electronic and homemade accelerometers.
Information about earlier meetings can be found in past issues of
SLAPT's Physics Tempo newsletter.