Quantum Science For All
Hands on Activities Integrated With Computer Visualizations
Meeting held November 15, 2003 from 8-12 am at Lindenwood College. Driving directions
Presented by Dr. Sanjay Rebello  
Hosted by Dr. Rodger Hardy
 Software, curriculum, and teaching materials
can accessed through the
Visual Quantum Mechanics website
for free.
Photos from the workshop

 If you want to install the VQM software on your computers, it is available commercially via Ztek Co.

School Price: $199 (30 student license) (Shipping $10)

Additional license ..$25 each 10-students

VQM Optional Equipment Kit ...$49.95 plus $10 S/H

Workshop description: Quantum mechanics is typically thought to be beyond the reach of most high school students. Yet, quantum mechanics is the underlying scientific principle for most of to modern technology that students encounter in their everyday life. To create a scientifically informed citizenry in the 21st Century, it is important that all students, as early as high school, are exposed to the ideas of quantum mechanics. To achieve this goal, we have created curricular material that integrate hands-on activities, software, and written materials in an activity based environment. To reach high school students we focus on visualization rather than higher level math. Come and experience the VQM, Visual Quantum Mechanics, materials at this workshop, and share ideas about how you may use these materials in your class.